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Everything posted by Punkhua

  1. We are trying to refrain from banning people as much as we used to. Sorry, I should've been more clear about my previous response.
  2. The only punishment that we usually go by is a 1 hour ban for leaving during a raid. I will leave it to higher ups if they do want to reduce you punishment but I doubt it will be likely.
  3. youre so funny dude. im laughing so hard rn.
  4. + Active Seems well versed in rules Hours -/+ Application is OK - N/A Note: I think you would do well with the right training. best of luck, -Q
  5. ^ After having a discussion with the moderator above he told me more to the story. You and your friend were trying to waste our staffs time and spamming sits, the two moderators on the server at the time gave you a chance to stop and you went on ahead minging and causing issues.
  6. I made a higher aware of this situation. You are to be unbanned.
  7. Punkhua

    Ken Kenaki

    -1 Seems like you have a bad rep Also never seen you before
  8. your steamid is: STEAM_0:0:614529300 i asked this admin for their side of the story on why you were banned. will get back to you.
  9. Can you state the person who banned you along with your steamid?
  10. I‘’m not really sure how to feel about you. No opinion at the moment.
  11. Punkhua

    child staff

    + N/A -/+ N/A - Little to no activity in Discord Poor application You could've elaborated on your pass staffing experience Note: Please show activity in the Discord and put more effort into your application. good day, -Q
  12. Punkhua


    Higher ups can NOT help you unless you provide your steam ID
  13. + Good community rep Adequate application Previous experience Activity -/+ Low warn record - N/A Note: I feel like you would make viable member of the staff team. best of luck, -Q
  14. -1 Would not really see you as a fit candidate: You minge You're a known rule breaker Not old enough Not a fan of your application. I recommend waiting a while to reapply. I do understand the age criteria is frustrating but just based on peoples’ opinion of you, on top of your age, its hard to support you. In the meantime try to better your reputation. Best of luck to you, -Q
  15. + Adequate application A LOT of experience -/+ Never seen you before - N/A Note: I can't really have much of an opinion of you because I haven't really had any interaction with you. I'd be willing to add/remove some of reasons for being for, against, or neutral for you being staff. best of luck, -Q
  16. -/+ ive never seen you before. might just be me but i will change my opinion later.
  17. here is my more formal opinion…. -1 I am moreover on the side with Hollow & Red on this one. Any time I see you on you usually cause issues and call people slurs which ISN’T mature NOR staff material. Also, the application does not give you a good look at all….. Literately all you did was copy & paste then changed your hours. If you are still willing to put in effort to have a chance to eventually join the team here is what I recommend: 1. Stop causing issues and help solve them 2. Make us see less of you on the bad side of sits 3. Put more effort into your application Best of luck to you. Hope to see you around sometime. -Q
  18. - Did not follow format Application is abysmal -/+ Only seen you online ONCE - N/A Note: Whenever I directed you to here whenever you asked about becoming staff I told you to read the information on HOW to apply for staff CORRECTLY. Next time please read this and follow the format: best of luck, -Q
  19. Chiefs gang fuck philly. Commercials are awful for your brain.
  20. -/+ leaning to + You have a good rep but i havent had much experience with you. Your application is pretty good and you have a lot of pass experience. Best of luck, -Q
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