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Everything posted by Pvtoneill

  1. = I don't know if I've ever interacted with him in the game/discord before. He hasn't had any rule violations in the last two months.
  2. -1 I've rated your application for the following reasons listed below: Your warn history shows a pattern of repeatedly ignoring the rules. As with all the staff applications that I review I pull up your warning history. This is the most important thing I look at to make up my mind on whether or not to +1/-1 someone. Below is your warning history: Honestly, this is one of the longest warn history I've seen for a staff application. I'd ask what has changed but it doesn't appear anything has... Go a month or two without any warnings and then reapply.
  3. +1 I've rated your application for the following reasons listed below: Your warn history is only has one warn on file. As with all the staff applications that I review I pull up your warning history. This is the most important thing I look at to make up my mind on whether or not to +1/-1 someone. Below is your warning history: You have no history of RDM/prop blocking/breaking NLR. This shows you have a good understanding of the game. While you do have a warning for terror in a building I believe this is a learning opportunity. Positive interactions with staff members in game. After a few interactions with you ingame both as a player and a staff member, I can't think of one negative interaction with you. I also see you on the server during time periods of low staffing.
  4. -1 I've rated your application for the following reasons listed below: Your warn history shows a pattern of repeatedly ignoring the rules. As with all the staff applications that I review I pull up your warning history. This is the most important thing I look at to make up my mind on whether or not to +1/-1 someone. Below is your warning history: You have a pattern of RDMing. Your last warning was yesterday for prop blocking. This is a significant and obvious rule violation. What has changed since this last warning?
  5. -1 I've rated your application for the following reasons listed below: You were recently banned. After a review of your account, it appears that Asriel previously banned you for your hostile attitude and disrespect to the player base and staff. In your own words, you admitted to the following: "I joined a Discord VC where I saw the Developer / Owner of the server, I asked him a few questions in a hostile and aggressive tone which caused an argument." "I then began to call him childish insults, and we would argue with one another, I said something that caused my ban after he said he is the owner, and I called him a 'nobody'" Your recent behavior towards staff. Staff is an unpaid/unappreciated role that has to deal with a lot of angry/upset people. We do the job because we all want to make the server a better place. In your ban appeal request, you stated the following: "After thinking about my actions and what I did, I've matured and I've realized what I did wrong a bit ago, I am simply asking for another chance and a fresh start to the server." From my brief encounter with you yesterday, I would say you have not matured and have not realized what you previously did was wrong. You verbally assaulted me and 1900gethelp05. A small mistake on my part, where you still won the fight is no reason to verbally attack someone in the game. You left a lot off your second clip on the player report and I think 1900 did a good job with his response to this applciation. Your warn history shows a pattern of repeatedly ignoring the rules. As with all the staff applications that I review I pull up your warning history. This is the most important thing I look at to make up my mind on whether or not to +1/-1 someone. Below is your warning history: You have a pattern of job abusing and RDMing. You had two warnings just two days ago for "RDM" and "ARDM/RDM" from two different staff members. What has changed since these warnings? Non-gmod related: I think you need to work on yourself outside of the game as consistently blowing up on people like that is not healthy. You need to get help with your anger as it will only cause trouble for you later in life. I've heard good things about this website https://www.betterhelp.com/ you should check it out. Wish you all the best.
  6. -1 I checked your warn history. You have two warns on file with the last one occurring just one day before your moderator application was submitted. Unfortunately, these are two very big rules broken given out by two staff members I hold in high regard. It's a -1 from me for now. I also viewed your Steam account comments and there are pages of people calling you a furry. So, unfortunately, I have to ask this.... are you a furry?
  7. I don't think I've interacted with you in-game or seen you in Discord. No warns on file and 2,000 hours in G-Mod. Your application and past experiences make it sound like you would be a fine addition to the server. +1
  8. -1 Having no experience is not a bad thing, it means you have no existing biases and might be more trainable than someone with tons of experience. Unfortunately, your second paragraph killed any and all chances of a +1 from me. If you want anything in life, you must put more effort into it. Whining will get you nowhere.
  9. An essential aspect of being a staff member is the ability to comprehend and analyze the rules. However, your application deviated from the required template as it lacks crucial information. If you are unable to adhere to a template, how can you be expected to uphold the rules? -1, Incomplete application.
  10. It's going to be a -1 from me for now. I would brush up on the MOTD and try to stay within the rules for a while before reapplying. Just because it's a no today, doesn't mean it's a no tomorrow.
  11. I've only had one negative interaction based on a server glitch. He's been positive since then. +1
  12. Given your recent warning history, which includes a warning for "leaving and joining after having printers stolen" just four days ago, it is crucial for a staff member to have a thorough understanding of the rules, including the ability to read and comprehend them accurately. I would like to know what has changed since then before making any further decisions.
  13. As a staff member, having a thorough understanding of the rules is crucial. This includes the ability to read and comprehend the rules accurately. However, your application did not adhere to the correct format and lacks important information. This has left me with mixed feelings about your suitability for the position. =/-
  14. 7 warns for RDM, 8 warns in total but no recent warns. I haven't seen you on so it's a = for me.
  15. Lightning, It's a -1 from me for now. You have 10 warns on record with multiple repeat offenses. You're last warning on 3/26/23 was for RDM, this is your fourth warning for RDM. I would take a month or two and reapply with no recent warns.
  16. I did that once not multiple times. I didn't raid/interact with the base afterward. I've been doing my best to stay by the rules, always learning. Thank you for the +1's Post Man, Chillx, Elite, Dixie Normous. I just got the joke when typing that out šŸ˜› .
  17. Username/IGN: Pvtoneill Steam ID (http://www.steamidfinder.com : STEAM_0:0:76343416 How old are you? (Must be 15 or older): Twenty-nine Do you have a mic?: Yes Do you have Discord?: Yes, although I prefer to only use in-game chat while on the server. I read the announcements and other sections daily. Why do you want to be part of the staff team? (Must be relevant to the question and be 2 paragraphs minimum): Dear Blue Networks community, I am excited to express my interest in joining your team as a staff member. I have always had positive interactions with your staff and the few times I may have overstepped the boundaries, I viewed it as a learning experience (such as adjusting base entrance widths or placing a crystal palace in the park). Your staff truly makes the server what it is, and I believe I have the qualities to be a valuable addition to the team. Although I have only spent 34 hours on the server, I have extensive experience managing servers for games such as G-Mod, Rust, Minecraft, CS:S, CSGO, and many others. In my real-life job, I am responsible for interpreting laws and regulations to mediate a solution between parties, which has honed my skills in effective communication and problem-solving. Yesterday was the first time I became a thief on the server, and I noticed that eight out of the ten bases I raided had significant building issues. In each situation, I calmly and clearly explained the problem while quoting the rules when an Admin was involved. This experience made me realize that my knowledge and experience could be a valuable asset to the Blue Network community as a staff member. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to contribute to the community. Sincerely, Pvtoneill How long have you been on the server? (12 hours minimum in game time) [the more is better]: Thirty-four hours of playtime. Any past experience?: Iā€™ve had various staff roles on multiple games going back almost two decades. Back in 2011-2014, I ran a group of Minecraft servers with daily unique visitor counts of over 24,000. Iā€™m very knowledgeable about RP, server rules, and game exploits. What times are you usually on?: Weekdays: 4:40pm ā€“ 9 pm PST Weekends: 10am ā€“ 6 pm PST Do you understand and agree to the fact that if you are accepted you are going to have to put the server in front of your role-playing time?: Taking on a staff role in a roleplaying server should not be viewed as sacrificing one's own roleplaying time. Instead, it offers the chance to improve the overall quality of roleplay interactions within the server. By setting a positive example, providing guidance and feedback, and organizing events, staff members can contribute to a more welcoming and engaging community, benefiting not only others but also their own roleplaying experience.
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