Username/IGN: [00ff77]XD_lucky
Steam ID ( STEAM_0:1:485106172
How old are you? (Must be 15 or older): 18
Do you have a mic?: yes
Do you have Discord?: yes xd_lucky5.6k
Why do you want to be part of the staff team? (Must be relevant to the question and be 2 paragraphs minimum):
The reason that I want to be apart of the staff team is to learn about new things and the whole aspect of being staff always interested me and I've been curious on how it works for awhile now and by making this staff application I hope that I can learn how to better help the the Blue Networks community. Also I think me being active in the community could also assist with the server and just better the server experience for other players. I also think that I get along with a lot of the staff team so I think that I would fit right in. I also find that staffing is something that I might find enjoyable. with this being said I hope to be accepted than you for your time reading this shit.
How long have you been on the server? (12 hours minimum in game time) [the more is better]: 1197+
Any past experience?: Yes
What times are you usually on?: I am on when ever possible
Do you understand and agree to the fact that if you are accepted you are going to have to put the server in front of your role-playing time?: Yes I understand