Username/IGN: FeliProx
Steam ID (http://www.steamidfinder.comš STEAM_0:1:625651250
How old are you? (Must be 15 or older): 15 (Medical Condition of voice)
Do you have a mic?: Yes
Do you have Discord?: Yes, Headskiller#2623
Why do you want to be part of the staff team? (Must be relevant to the question and be 2 paragraphs minimum): My main priority on the server is to become staff because, In A game day, I can find 3 or 2 rdmers, and Sometimes the staff is busy to attend to my report so I would like to help. That's why I would like to become a staff at first.
Second, for me being part of the staff is to meet new people and make friends and a lot more and I could have fun with them and some players while on duty. My priority for the 2nd reason is to make friends and have more fun than before and have a knowledge of the rules like other staff do and they can fix my errors and I learn like everyone else. I know I have a warn but I learned from my mistake.
How long have you been on the server? (12 hours minimum in-game time) [the more is better]: 35 Hours.
Any past experience?: No but I know basic things from ULX.
What times are you usually on?: 5:00 PM GMT-3 to 11:00 PM GMT-3.
Do you understand and agree to the fact that if you are accepted you are going to have to put the server in front of your role-playing time?: Yes, I do.