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mommas sweet pancakes

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Everything posted by mommas sweet pancakes

  1. if you can unban my discord we can hop in a call
  2. maybe see if i have any active punishments that could do this
  3. it didnt work i literally uninstalled gmod and reinstalled it i honestly dont know whats happening
  4. ohmk ty im pretty sure verifying fixed it
  5. i would also love if i could have my hud back
  6. Username/IGN: either youraveragedummy or pankaces SteamID (Use Steam ID Finder to find it): STEAM_0:1:508481833 Reason why you were banned: talking about another server When the ban happened: honestly down remember, sometime during march Staff member who administered the ban: blue himself Please provide proof (screenshots, video) of what happened: dont have this Why should this appeal be accepted: its been like 5 months since this happened and i kinda wanna try the server again if you will let me. Im sorry that i spoke about a different server and i didnt think it would get me banned i hope to come back and play this server again List any additional information here: nil
  7. I would also like to note he cleaned my entities up while having printers up meaning i lost abt 1.5m in printers
  8. so i didnt read some rules so he locks my motd for 15 mins for 3 rules i broke and then when he whines about it and shit talks me i say "i didnt read some rules quit whining about it" and he took it as i didnt read some of the rules and just false disables me for 30 damn minutes https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2955191152 then he silent kills me then respawns me causing me to lose an fg i payed for and be put back in spawn
  9. +rep love this man, so nice and a great look for a staff member
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