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Lightning's Staff Application


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Username/IGN: Lightning

Steam ID (http://www.steamidfinder.com): STEAM_0:0:147775802, SteamID64: 76561198255817332 

How old are you? (Must be 15 or older): 16

Do you have a mic?: Yes

Do you have Discord?: Yes - ArrivingShortlyatLZ!#7141

Why do you want to be part of the staff team? (Must be relevant to the question and be 2 paragraphs minimum):

I am interested in joining the staff team as I believe I can make a positive contribution to the community. I have been playing on this server for several months now and I have come to appreciate the friendly and welcoming environment that the server provides. I have had the opportunity to interact with some of the staff members and I have been impressed by their dedication and professionalism. I would like to be a part of this team and help to maintain the server's high standards.

I believe that my communication and interpersonal skills, as well as my ability to work under pressure, would make me a valuable addition to the staff team. I am a patient and empathetic person who can diffuse tense situations and find solutions to problems. I am also willing to learn and adapt to new situations, and I am committed to upholding the rules and policies of the server. I would be honored to have the opportunity to contribute to the server community as a staff member.

How long have you been on the server? (12 hours minimum in game time) [the more is better]: I have been playing on this server for approximately 220 hours.

Any past experience?: Yes, I have served as a moderator on several other GMod servers. I was responsible for enforcing the rules of the server, responding to player inquiries and reports, and resolving disputes between players. I also have over a thousand hours on gmod.

What times are you usually on?: I am usually online in the evenings from 6 pm to 11 pm EST on weekdays and throughout the day on weekends.

Do you understand and agree to the fact that if you are accepted you are going to have to put the server in front of your role-playing time?: Yes, I understand and agree to prioritize the responsibilities of the staff position over my own role-playing time.

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Lighting, take the time while your application is up and improve yourself. Whatever happens with your app wether it gets accepted or denied always improve yourself and attitude. And don’t get discouraged. If you really want this prove to us that you want it. Read over the rules and help people out. Don’t minge, and overall get in discord and get to know the people. No vote as of now.

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  • 2 weeks later...


It's a -1 from me for now. You have 10 warns on record with multiple repeat offenses.  You're last warning on 3/26/23 was for RDM, this is your fourth warning for RDM.  I would take a month or two and reapply with no recent warns.

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As of right now I am unsure of your capabilities and am not certain of your competence for staff. 

Please take some more time on the server to prove to the team you have the necessary skills. 

Lastly, please become more active in the Discord and its VC's.


You may reapply in 7 days.



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