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Bqtman's Staff Application


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Username/IGN: 100percentmonke (its an old username, never wanted to change it more

Steam ID: 76561199133642788

How old are you? (Must be 15 or older): 15 

Do you have a mic?: yes

Do you have Discord?: yes

Why do you want to be part of the staff team? (Must be relevant to the question and be 2 paragraphs minimum):  I feel like being a staff member would be fun and help me mature Into a better person. I think that becoming a staff would be good for me, the server, and the staff team. If I were to become staff, the server would be a better experience for newer players. When I first joined I remember knowing nothing about dark RP. One of the staff members, I think it was L+Ratio seriously helped me with figuring out how to play and i'm sure hes helped many others.  . The staff here are great, and work hard. If i were to become staff then I could take some weight off of their shoulders and give them more of a timespan to work on the more important issues on the server. Not to kiss your asses but everything about this server is great and It is arguably one of the best DarkRP servers currently. 

How long have you been on the server? (12 hours minimum in game time) [the more is better]: Im going to be honest I don't really know. I think it was around 30+ hours but corect me if i'm wrong.

Any past experience?: No

What times are you usually on?: Weekends

Do you understand and agree to the fact that if you are accepted you are going to have to put the server in front of your role-playing time?: Sure

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