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kittie's staff application


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Username/IGN: i told leafy to kill himself on twitter

Steam ID (http://www.steamidfinder.com  STEAM_0:1:541642844 

How old are you? (Must be 15 or older): 9 (please make exception)

Do you have a mic?: is webcam mic ok?

Do you have Discord?: no only wechat

Why do you want to be part of the staff team? (Must be relevant to the question and be 2 paragraphs minimum):
i dont need to scrub toilets for starbucks anymore so i can fill in for the oomfies that got scared away
How long have you been on the server? (12 hours minimum in game time) [the more is better]: 562 years

Any past garry's mod staff experience?: no

What times are you usually on?: only for a little bit cuz i have school and i have bedtime at 7pm ;( (i just started 3rd grade)

Do you understand, and agree to the fact that if you are accepted you are going to have to put the server in front of your role-playing time?: no

Edited by Qitti
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