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garfeldes staff application


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Steam ID:76561199388804430

How old are you? (Must be 15 or older):I am 12(despite my age I hope I can still be a staff member but if not that's ok)

Do you have a mic?:Yes

Do you have Discord?:Yes I do (I'm in bluenetworks Discord server)

Why do you want to be part of the staff team? (Must be relevant to the question and be 2 paragraphs minimum):I would like to be a staff member to help the staff manage and keep the server under control. In my opinion I think that the more staff there are the better . I also wanna join cause sometimes there isn't enough staff on to help every one(Say there where 3 staff on but there around 10 players asking for help with rdm/ardm/nlr/etc there wouldn't be enough staff to help but they could get them done but it would take a while)

Sometimes there is little to no staff on to help people answer sit's so it would help with more members on . With more admins we can confirm if a persons warn/punishment was justified(say person B gets killed by A
but they had a job action going on and the admin is retarded and doesn't notice so person B gets warned and soft disabled and another admins notices that person B got falsely warned and removed his punishment and warn)

How long have you been on the server? (12 hours minimum in game time) [the more is better]:I have been a member of blue networks for more than 6 days in play time.

Any past experience?:I've not been a staff on any other server because bluenetworks is my first dark rp server

What times are you usually on?:I'M usually on 2:30-6:30(sometimes more depending on how I feel that day)

Do you understand and agree to the fact that if you are accepted you are going to have to put the server in front of your role-playing time?:Yes i do agree

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I see what you're getting at however, I think it could definitely use some more detail. On your second paragraph there is little to nothing and could use more, first one as well but more on the second. I've seen him on and he's a very nice and kind person overall, just needs more reasoning. 


Edited by Osama been bombin
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