Username/IGN: Sink
Steam ID []: 76561199160633126
How old are you? [Must be 15 or older]: 14
Do you have a mic?: Yes
Do you have Discord?: Yes
Why do you want to be part of the staff team? [Must be relevant to the question and be at least 1 paragraph long]: I have been on this server for quite sometime now and despite my age I have quite some experience with being staff on a gmod server. So I think I should be staff because I could seriously give rule breakers the correct punishments and hopefully help out the community. Another Reason I want to be staff is because I really enjoy this server a ton and I think I will be active again in these upcoming weeks.
How long have you been on the server? [Must have at least 12 hours in-game time]: 204 Hours
Do you have any past Garry's Mod staff experience?: yes
What times are you usually on? [Include timezone]: 10 am-12am CDT
As a staff member, you will have to put the server in front of your role-playing time. Do you accept and agree to this?: Yes
Username/IGN: raven4bmore
Steam ID []:
How old are you? [Must be 15 or older]: 15
Do you have a mic?: no
Do you have Discord?: Yes (I am on the dc server)
Why do you want to be part of the staff team? [Must be relevant to the question and be at least 1 paragraph long]: I really want a better connection with the people on this server for one. I feel like i can be of substance to the staff team and community secondly. thirdly i am active at the very least one day a week. And lastly i used to be on this server and spent money on it and sort of established a relationship with a blue circle and feel like this is the server i want to dedicate my weekends to (and of course any extra time I have) for as long as the server lives.
How long have you been on the server? [Must have at least 12 hours in-game time]: 60hrs
Do you have any past Garry's Mod staff experience?: no
What times are you usually on? [Include timezone]: 6pm to 3am est
As a staff member, you will have to put the server in front of your role-playing time. Do you accept and agree to this?: I dont usally rp more so just getting money making buildings and having fun with the people so i have no problem accepting.
I been spending time with him and so far he seems real nice. he does however need more experience in game. but i think he will become a good staff member over time with some help from us. I would be happy to work with him!